
New Project

Helping and IT leader to expand into new markets with a new visual identity, branding and website.

Helping and IT leader to expand into new markets with a new visual identity, branding and website.


We really enjoyed creating a new visual identity, branding, and website for our partners and friends from Quantox Technology

For more than a decade, and with more than 500 experts working from 13 development centers and 7 different countries, QUANTOX offers complete software development from scratch and all-around IT support services, strong teams, and strategies that lead their clients to the solutions that make a difference in the market.

The process of coming up with a new and exiting web experience was defined by the restructuring of content and improvements to the user experience.

Quantox is a leading edge developer for applications on any device, which we decided to incorporate visually with illustrations of devices. Furthermore, to take some load off the user we compressed the content while retaining all of it through accordion and tab menus in key places, as well as animating listings to make them more engaging.

Have a closer look at


What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with

How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures

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